Can I create my own station on my mobile device?
Yes. Follow these steps below to create your own station. After you have logged into the application, you will be presented with the Koinonia Screen. From there, do the following.
1. Tap on the top left Menu Button and then press Stations.
2. At the Station Screen, press the + button (shown below)
3. You will be presented with a search screen, enter any term that you want to make a station from.
4. You will see a list of results and an option to finally create your own station. In this example, we entered Pascha, and it retrieved a list of tracks from the Library. We then click on Create Station.
5. You will see a dialog box pop up, just press Okay, and then go back to the main Stations Screen. You will see your custom station which will stream (in this example) only Pascha items.